Weiberg Road Community Development District Adopted Budget FY2025 1 2-4 Table of Contents General Fund General Fund Narrative Adopted Actuals Projected Description FBYu2d0g2e4t 5/T3h1r/u24 4 MNoenxtths P9r/oT3jhe0rc/ut2ed4 AFBYduo2dp0gt2ee5td BDRoeeuvvneelndouapreeysr A Cmonentrdibmuetino tn Csontributions $$ 2 6 4 , 2 -92 $$ 2807,,060705 $$ 2 3 , 4 -76 $$ 1 2073,,467756 $$ 3 5 9 , 4 -92 Total Revenues $ 264,292 $ 107,675 $ 23,476 $ 131,151 $ 359,492 Expenditures General & Administrative Supervisor Fees 12,000 $ 4,000 $ 3,200 $ 7,200 $ 12,000 $ Engineering 15,000 $ 12,155 $ 3,600 $ 15,755 $ 15,000 $ Attorney 25,000 $ 13,946 $ 4,000 $ 17,946 $ 25,000 $ Annual Audit 4,000 $ 3,600 $ - $ 3,600 $ 3,700 $ Assessment Administration 5,000 $ - $ - $ - $ 5,000 $ Arbitrage 450 $ - $ - $ - $ 450 $ Dissemination 5,000 $ - $ - $ - $ 5,000 $ Trustee Fees 4,042 $ - $ - $ - $ 4,042 $ Management Fees 37,500 $ 25,000 $ 12,500 $ 37,500 $ 38,000 $ Information Technology 1,800 $ 1,200 $ 600 $ 1,800 $ 1,800 $ Website Maintenance 1,200 $ 800 $ 400 $ 1,200 $ 1,200 $ Postage & Delivery 1,000 $ 118 $ 200 $ 318 $ 750 $ Insurance 5,500 $ 5,200 $ - $ 5,200 $ 6,000 $ Copies 1,000 $ - $ 250 $ 250 $ 1,000 $ Legal Advertising 15,000 $ 10,344 $ 1,500 $ 11,844 $ 15,000 $ Boundary Amendment Expenses - $ 27,675 $ - $ 27,675 $ - $ Other Current Charges 5,000 $ 314 $ 314 $ 629 $ 4,250 $ Office Supplies 625 $ 19 $ 40 $ 59 $ 625 $ Dues, Licenses & Subscriptions 175 $ 175 $ - $ 175 $ 175 $ Total General & Administrative: 139,292 $ 104,547 $ 26,604 $ 131,151 $ 138,992 $ Operations & Maintenance Playground Lease 50,000 $ - $ - $ - $ 36,500 $ Security - $ - $ - $ - $ 34,000 $ Field Contingency 75,000 $ - $ - $ - $ 150,000 $ Total Operations & Maintenance: 125,000 $ - $ - $ - $ 220,500 $ Total Expenditures 264,292 $ 104,547 $ 26,604 $ 131,151 $ 359,492 $ Excess Revenues/(Expenditures) - $ 3,129 $ (3,129) $ - $ - $ Weiberg Road Community Development District Adopted Budget General Fund 1 Weiberg Road Community Development District General Fund Narrative Revenues: Developer Contributions The District will enter into a funding agreement with the Developer expenditures for the Fiscal Year. to fund the General Fund Expenditures: General & Administrative: Supervisor Fees CSuhpapertevris 1o9r 0fo, rF ltohrei dtiam Set adteuvteoste, adl ltoow Dsi sftorri ceta bcuhs Binoeasrsd a mnde mmbeeert itnog sr.e ceive $200 per meeting paid to each Engineering deT.ihgre.e acDttetisedtn rbdicyat nt'shc eee nBagoniandre dpe rroe, fpD Saeurwpatbeireovrnir syfoo Errsn magniondne ttehhrlesy, D Ibnioscta.r,r ipdcrt omMveiadenteaisng ggeser,.n reervaile ewn gininveoeirciensg a snedr vvicaeriso tuos tphreo Djeicsttrsi cats, Attorney daTtihtreee ncDtdeiasdnt rbciecy t ta'shn elde B gpoarlae rcpdoa uornaf stSieuolpn, Ke friolvirin smsokreis|e Vatiannndg sWth, yepk rDe, ipPsaLtrrLiacCtt,i oMpnra onavnaidgdee rrse. gveienwer aolf laeggrael esmerevnictse,s rteos othluet iDoinsstr, iecttc, .e a.gs. ATonnh nea unDa ials nAtrnuiucdati tli sb aresiqsu. ired by Florida Statutes to arrange for an independent audit of its financial records aTAsshsseee ssDssmiasbterlneitc ptA rdwompileiln rcitosytn rwtaritatihocitnn t oth lee Dvyis tarnicdt .a dminister the collection of non-ad valorem assessment on all Arbitrage TDhiset rDicits’tsr Aicrtb witrilalg ceo Rnetrbaactte wLiiatbhi laitny ionnd aenp eanndtiecnipt acteerdt ibfioendd p isusbulaicn caec.c ountant to annually calculate the aTwDnhihstesiic ceDhimpi rsainettraleaidtctit eob sinos t norde a qidsusdiuriteaidno ncbeay.l trheep oSretcinugri trye qaunidre Emxechnatsn fgoer Cuonmramteisds bioonn dto i scsoumeps.l yT hwisit hco Rstu ilse b1a5sce2d- 1u2p(obn)( a5n) 2 Weiberg Road Community Development District General Fund Narrative TTrhues Dteies tFreicets will incur trustee related costs with the issuance of its’ issued bonds. Management Fees pn TArohgetre pe Daelirmmiasettirtinoeictdn tw , ratietlolhc , fe iGinrvoeaevcnsoec rrMidnalaim nrngeea npgtoaearnmlt dsMe ,n aattrnn, anaAngucseaccmlor aiuepunntdtitoii nStnseg ,r eaovtnifcc d.e b sAo-Cadremdni tnrmiaslet rFealtotinirvgieds a,s , eaLrdLvmCic.i eTnsih saets rs aeptriavvreitc eossfe iarnv cMilcuaedns,ea gbbeuumtd aegrneett I ssRntoeoffpotrwrramegaseare etnai, onttsnad b vTslaeeerctrishvo nefuorosrsl o,cm gopyeso ets tioitnifv giesn ,f pAoardymo ibameti,po Mlne imctereocnhstonafottil oOongff yiac nfeod, re pttchr.o eg Draismtrmicitn gsu fcohr afrsa vuidd epor octoenctfeiorne,n acicncgo,u cnltoiundg Website Maintenance sb aRecaecccpuokrrruedipstayesn n,a cetnestdc w.t hfiierthe cw Coahsltals pm taeasrisn o1tce8ina9at, enFdcl oewr, iuidtpahd Samttaeotsnu, itdteoosrc.i unTmgh eeasnnetd su epmrlvoaiiacndetssa, i inhniocnslgut idntehg e sa intDedi s pdteroirmcftoa’sri mnw arenebncseei wtaesa slcser,s ewsamteebedsn ititsne, Postage & Delivery The District incurs charges for mailing, overnight deliveries, correspondence, etc. Insurance The District’s general liability and public official’s liability insurance coverages. Copies e Ptrcin. ting agenda materials for board meetings, printing of computerized checks, stationary, envelopes, Legal Advertising aT hnee wDissptaripcet ri so rf egqeunierreadl tcoir acduvlaetriotinse. various notices for monthly Board meetings, public hearings, etc. in BOathnekr cChuarrrgeenst aCnhda ragneys o ther miscellaneous expenses incurred during the year. Office Supplies lAanbye lssu, pppaplieers cthliapts m, eatcy. need to be purchased during the fiscal year, e.g., paper, minute books, file folders, 3 Weiberg Road Community Development District General Fund Narrative Dues, Licenses & Subscriptions The District is required to pay an annual fee to the Florida Department of Commerce the only expense under this category for the District. for $175. This is Operations & Maintenance: Playground Lease Represents the estimated cost of leasing playground equipment. Security Rmeapinretasiennitnsg t sheec eusrtiitmy asytesdte cmo sitn o pfl macoen. thly security services for the District’s amenity facilities as well as Field Contingency rReelpatreedse intetms fsu. nds allocated to expenses that the District could incur throughout the fiscal year for field 4